This will increase the reliability of the data. How to know the cut-off score and relative performance: Aspirants need to register and log in to mark the answers in the test link. This year, we have upgraded our polls by integrating it with our test engine to automatically generate graphical data of test-takers to give relative all-India position and approximate cut-off score for Prelims (no personally identifiable information will be used/shared unless provided).

Last year, more than 12,000 candidates submitted their exam feedback and their median score(205) turned out to be the exact cut-off score for Prelims 2014. We used to conduct after-exam polls to know the preliminary exam performance of students across India. Know your relative all-India position and approximate cut-off score for Prelims! The facility is free and it hardly takes 10 minutes to get your prelims score! Excited? Our software will automatically calculate your preliminary exam score based on our key after deducting negative marks. We have provided the facility to mark and submit your preliminary exam answers in our test engine. Submit your answers online and our system will automatically calculate your scores! To help our students to assess the exam better and know their relative all-India position, we have come up with certain innovative features this year.

We know all aspirants who took the Preliminary exam are tense and are eager to know the answers and cut-off score to make sure they qualify for the main exam.

In this post, we provide UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2015 question paper with our answer keys, detailed solutions and authentic references to confusing questions.